Bill Wu is a School One student who hails from China. Before coming to the U.S., Bill knew that art was his thing. When he first came to School One, he fell in love with the variety and freedom he found in the course catalog and immersed himself in photography early on. “Digital Media was my favorite class because we had to do a lot of presentations which were helpful because as an artist and photographer you have to talk about your work and talk to people who might want to buy your work.”
Throughout his time at School One, Bill’s work has been featured in art exhibitions and competitions across Rhode Island. Most recently, Bill was awarded second place prize at The Heartspot Art Center and Gallery. He was also awarded First Prize in Photography from the Central Congregational Church Gallery Committee for his work in their annual student exhibition. Bill was a Gold medal winner at this year’s Scholastic Art and Writing Awards and recently received the Congressman David Cicciline Leadership Award.
Bill will be leaving Rhode Island this summer and moving to New York to study photography at the School of Visual Arts. He’s excited to be attending his first choice school and equally excited to be moving to New York. “At SVA I’m going to study digital and film photography because I need to know different skills and techniques. Mostly, I do street photography, so I’m going start off next year with a 35mm film camera as well as a Fujifilm digital, just walking around New York. And visiting studios.”